winning strategy

美 [ˈwɪnɪŋ ˈstrætədʒi]英 [ˈwɪnɪŋ ˈstrætədʒi]
  • 制胜策略
winning strategywinning strategy
  1. On the Winning Strategy of Chinese Sanda Athletes in The K-1 Race


  2. May seem like a winning strategy in the short run ,


  3. Winning Strategy of Connotation Construction in Military Central Hospital


  4. Let us consider the challenges that confront us as we work through this winning strategy .


  5. A winning strategy is made up of the tactics that produce a victory .


  6. Maintaining this balancing act will prove to be central to a winning strategy .


  7. And we proved a theorem that assesses winning strategy by payoff function .


  8. Localization-Lua ent Technologies ' Winning Strategy in Fierce Competition in China


  9. We show a necessary condition for a player to win a game , and provide a winning strategy .


  10. Details determine success or failure , winning strategy in the commercial way , hard-working success in morals !


  11. Describe how to exceed customer satisfaction , and create customer-delighted winning strategy .


  12. Piling up the support of Protestant white men in the south does not amount to a winning strategy .


  13. This proved a winning strategy , says Audie Wong , President of Amway China .


  14. Google needs to reinvent its formula and demonstrate a winning strategy to attract the next generation of stars .


  15. Loyal customers are the main source of profit , therefore , improving the relationship quality and customer loyalty has become an important winning strategy .


  16. Smart power is a term in international relations defined as " the ability to combine hard and soft power into a winning strategy " .


  17. They always have a winning strategy , know the best places to compete and what it takes to bring a trophy home .


  18. This has proved to be a winning strategy , Audie Wong , president of Amway China , says .


  19. To succeed , we need to winning strategy that will make us unique and set us apart , and one that will give us a clear competitive advantage .


  20. He was somewhat wooden , but he stuck to the four issues relentlessly and it proved to be a winning strategy .


  21. Researches show that high customer loyalty can bring high economic benefits . With the increasingly fierce competition in consumer market , nurturing and maintaining loyal customer groups have become an important business market winning strategy .


  22. In the research of two-player zero-sum games , verifying whether there exists winning strategy has not been solved properly , since it refers to the search of the grand scale state space .


  23. While there is no one magic number of how many places a jobsearcher need apply , you shouldn 't for a moment believe that applying to everything in sight is a winning strategy for career progression .


  24. As the development of higher education in our country , popularization and diversification has become an irreversible trend , the competition of education market is increasing day after day . Take characteristics as winning strategy for colleges and universities has become a consensus .


  25. Then the d-relaxed game chromatic number of G , denoted by Xg ( G ), is the least number k of colors for which Alice has a winning strategy in the above coloring game .


  26. For movie makers worldwide struggling to discover the formula for success in China 's lucrative film market , one domestically made spy thriller appears to have stumbled its way into a winning strategy : just be ridiculously bad .


  27. Knowledge of the P-and N-positions of a game provides the winning strategy for it : If it is our turn and the game is in an N-position , we should move into a P-position .


  28. A Study of Winning Customer Strategy Based on Experience Marketing


  29. Recipe for a winning operation strategy : time to market , time to volume , and time to delivery .


  30. Singapore Airlines ( SIA ) Winning through Strategy and its Enlightenment & Customer-Oriented and Core Competence-Based Strategic Management
